Your Inner Voice
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth…but you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:16,17).
Listen to your inner voice.
God has given each one of us who believes in him an inner knowing, a truth-teller, and a wonderful counselor. This trustworthy guide, the Holy Spirit, who resides within, can be accessed at any moment. Our connection with this strength is vital, if we are to determine our responses to life’s uncertainties.

When clients come to me in discontentment and disillusionment, it is inevitably because they have chosen to silence this voice. They have looked outside themselves to answer the questions that confuse and distress them. They believe somehow someone or something other than this voice can provide direction. How many of us fall prey to this tendency?
From my experience as a licensed professional counselor and certified life coach, I can see there is a profound struggle to have faith in what feels intangible…that which lies within. Nevertheless, it’s important we listen to our inner voice.
So why is it so urgent that we pay attention to it? Why must we honor, revere, and ultimately listen to what this voice says? The answer is simple…Because it reveals truth.